Gann angles are used to predict significant tops, bottoms and changes trend. This is a arithmetical technique known as squaring, which is used to determine time zones and when the market is likely to change direction.
The fundamental theory is when the market has reached an equal unit of time and price up or down we should expect a change in direction. The daily charts often have too many tops, bottoms and ranges to analyze that’s why this timing indicator works better on longer term charts, such as monthly or weekly charts.
The method is reasonably easy to use but tricky to master. Gann angles, like many technical tools, are best used in combination with other tools to Predict Price Movements and Profit.
Gann trading technique has been used by Most Successful Traders in previous years and still are being used to analyzing the stocks. These techniques are combinedly we have added in our Gann trading course.
To know Gann Natural Time Cycle
To know about Gann Dynamic Time Cycle
Uses of Moon Phases in Gann Time Cycle
Trading technique secrets of Gann trading
Price movement analysis using Gann trading
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