Trading Styles
Find the right trading style with our expert guidance on the many different types of forex trading strategies, creating a trading plan and goal setting.
What Type of Forex Trader Are You?
Discover the 6 most common types of forex traders and the unique approaches of each.
Top 8 Forex Trading Strategies and their Pros and Cons Compare the pros and cons of different forex strategies, from day trading to position trading.
What Trading Style Best Suits Your Personality?
Trading style often aligns with personality and lifestyle and influences a trading strategy and plan.
How to Create a Trading Plan in 7 Steps A trading plan guides traders through the trading process. Learn how to set one up in 7 steps.

How to Set Up Effective Trading Goals
Learn why and how set up trading goals that align with your trading plan and unique trading style.
How to Be a Part Time Trader: Tips on Workflow and Strategy
The 24-hour FX market makes it easier for part time day traders to take advantage of trends.
How to Combine Fundamental and Technical Analysis There are many ways to combine fundamental and technical analysis for a holistic trading approach.
Holding Yourself Accountable
Learn how to manage your trading career and hone your trading style with advice on entry and exit strategies, creating a trading journal, fixing mistakes and trading with confidence.
Step Trading Checklist Before Entering Any Trade A checklist is a vital part of the trading process; helping traders to be disciplined and confident. Trading Journal: What it is and How to Create One
Explore the benefits of a trading journal and how to create one that aligns with your strategy.
Forex Trading Journal: A How-To and other Forex Trading Tips
Log your trades and refine your strategies based on learning from previous experiences.
Trading with Confidence in the Forex Market Without confidence, traders can’t perform optimally. Learn how to build confidence and maintain it. Trading Mistakes to Avoid in Forex Trading
Human error in the FX market is common and can lead to common trading mistakes. See the top 10.
Becoming a Better Trader – Fixing Mistakes, Working on Weaknesses An overlooked area of trader development is identifying weaknesses and turning them into strengths. Find Your Forex Entry Point: 3 Entry Strategies To Try Deciding when to enter a trade can be complex because of the many variable inputs that move the forex market. Trading Exit Strategies – How to Exit a Profitable Trade Explore 3 trading exit strategies that traders should consider when looking to get out of a trade.